Modern commercial graphics processors have hardwired graphics
pipelines that implement a given API. Recently, these processors have
added programmable elements to their pipelines.
We take the opposite approach: we begin with Imagine, a fully
programmable processor, and implement a polygon rendering pipeline on
it. Our research centers around the following goals:
- We are developing algorithms which exploit our SIMD architecture
and fit elegantly into the stream programming model.
- Our algorithms make efficient and high-performance use of stream
programming hardware.
- We explore the advantages of the stream processing approach:
- Compare our machine organization against current graphics
processors: our organization reduces load imbalance and amortizes the
cost of programmability over all stages
- Exploit our greater amount of programmability
- Reduce or eliminate the need for multipass
- Easily map our pipeline to a shading language
Our first polygon rendering pipeline is described in this paper,
presented at the Siggraph/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware
2000. (Slides
from this presentation.)
Recently we have been collaborating with the Stanford
Real-Time Programmable Shading Project, mapping their Real-Time
Shading Language onto Imagine.
Figure 1 shows example scenes rendered on the Imagine simulator
using the Real-Time Shading language.

Figure 1.
Scenes rendered with Imagine and the Real-Time Shading